Camel Milk Nutrition Info

What is inside in a bottle of Camel Milk?

Camel Milk contains a lot of nutrients, that are having positive effects on the human body. Here we listed an overview, what makes Camel Milk very special and what´s inside of a serving of 240 ml (8 OZ) of it.

Nutrition Facts

2 Servings per Bottle
Serving Size: 8 OZ (240 ml)

Amount per serving

  • Calories: 120 kcal
  • Fat: 6g
  • Satured Fat: 3,5g
  • Carbonhydrate: 11g
  • Cholesterol: 35mg
  • Sodium: 130g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Calcium: 280g
  • Potassium: 441mg
  • Total Sugars: 10g
Daily Value

  • Potassium: 9%
  • Vitamin B1: 70%
  • Calcium: 15%
  • Vitamin C: 5%
  • Phosphorus: 10%
  • Protein: 10%
  • Fat: 3%
  • Iron: 1%


How does Camel Milk taste?

All these healty Camel Milk Ingredients combined result in a great taste.

  • Camel Milk tastes healthy - because it contains a lot of ingredients, that are having a very positiv impact on your body.
  • Camel Milk tastes refreshing - because it comes fresh from our farms and is a high quality product.
  • Camel Milk tastes smooth - because it delivers an instant load of extra energy, whenever you need it.

But in the end, the question of the taste is a question of your choice.
If you drink it pure, it may have a slightly salty, combined with a clean milk taste. Many of our customers love itegrating our Camel Milk in the ordinary day meals and doing this, the taste depends on you. Bake it, shake it, cook it or just have it with your morning coffee or afternoon cake.

If you like shakes, just mix some strawberries and Camel Milk and you will get a delicious Camel Milk Shake! Also you can have your oats with it or just drink it while eating cookies! You decide, how you want to have it!