Organic Camel Milk
We only sell organic Camel Milk. But what does that mean exactly?
Just as with all other nutritional products, there are also differences in quality in Camel Milk. The highest quality class is of course the Organic Camel Milk, as this product ends up pure in the bottle. We have listed the most important factors for high quality Camel Milk here:
Camel´s Age
An important factor is the age of the mother animal. We make sure that only Camel Milk from healthy animals in their prime is bottled and we can therefore guarantee that only pure nature ends up in our BestCamelMilk bottles.
Climate in the habitat
Of course, the climate also has a big influence on the quality of the milk. Therefore, we make sure that our farms are always located where a similar climate prevails as the camels are used to in their original habitat (North Africa, Australia, India, etc.).
Nutrition of the mother animal
In the production of Organic Kamelmlich, the nutrition of the animals is the most important thing. Camels feed exclusively on plants and are able to process even very meagre food. However, at BestCamelMilk we are careful to provide our camels with only the best food and make sure that our animals are always served a mix of fresh grasses and herbs. The winter meals then consist mostly of hay. It is also important that the camels do not eat too much protein.
Processing and production
A camel produces up to five litres of milk per day. These five litres go directly into our BestCamelMilk bottles (16oz per bottle). Afterwards, it is off to the packing and shipping warehouse and our Camel Milk is on its way to you.
Only when all these factors are taken into account and every process is handled with care can we talk about Organic Camel Milk. We at BestCamelMilk go the extra mile when it comes to satisfying our customers!
...and you can taste that!